Monday, July 4, 2011

Family ~ Babysitting Jace/Brenden's Summer Camp

June 18th - July 4th 2011
Soo....I finally got to babysit Jace on Saturday June 18th for the first time.  I picked Jace up from Cindy's where Brittany & John were and brought him home.

 YAY!  I am happy to have some one on one time. Jace fell asleep in the car and slept for a couple of hours so, after he woke up I fed him and then  another first...I gave him a bath.  He was so good, just laid there as I was bathing him.  Once he was bathed I put him in his swing he fell asleep.  We went to bed a little later and he slept until 2:00 am.  I forgot what it was like to get up in the middle of the night with a crying, hungry baby BUT, I did not mind and enjoyed every minute of it!  By 7:30 am the next morning Brittany was already calling to see if we were up and awake but, we were still snoozing....She couldn't stand it any longer and said that her and Johnny were coming over and would bring breakfast.  Brittany got here and said that he was never going to spend the night again because she missed him so much.  Oh, ok!  Just wait until he gets a little bigger, I am sure she will be changing her mind. 

The next weekend was the 2nd time that I got to babysit Jace and he spent the night with me.  We had a lot of fun with our Similac shots and swinging in the swing.  He is always good and I love spending time with him. 

So, Brenden is going to orchestra camp next week @ Sam Houston State University and we have lots to do to get prepared.....he desperately needs a hair cut and some summer clothes because I cleaned out his closet this week and either gave his clothes away or threw them out.  So, we went to JC Pennys to get him some pants because he won't wear shorts and I tried to get him to pick out a couple of shirts along with the pants but, he said he didn't like any of them.  The next day we went to the mall and he got some shirts from Hollister and Abercrombie and on the way home he said "I am going to come back to the mall and buy me some more shirts when I get more money."  I said I thought you didn't like to shop and he quickly corrected me with "I don't like to try on clothes but, I do like going to the mall."  LOL....Brenden doesn't ask for much so, when he wants something I really try to get it for him but, on the other hand he usually ends up costing me a lot of money.....  So, now he has his haircut and has the clothes he needs. Lisa brought the suitcase over the next day and before I got home from work he had all of his clothes packed!  I am so proud that he has taken the initiative to get that done.  He is always giving me little signs of how he is growing up and I hate it! 

On Sunday morning Brittany & John came to pick up Jace and I began to get everything together for our trip.  On our way to Sam Houston State we stopped for breakfast and Brenden was a little antsy to get back on the road.  I am so glad we left early as we got to the campus an hour or so early and finally found our way to the music building.  Once we knew where we were going we decided to drive around town and check things out.  We found that the Huntsville State Prison is within a 1/2 mile of the campus and we drove around it.  Brenden was fascinated by the prison and kept saying lets go back by the prison.  LOL  While driving around I said to Brenden "this would be a good school for you to go to because it is only about 1 1/2 hrs. from home.  Well......Brenden quickly said "no I am going to Julliard!"  WOW!  Mom & I looked at each other in disbelief.  I have never heard that from Brenden so it caught me off guard.  I told Brenden that, that was a great goal and he would have to keep up with his grades and his music and he said, I know!  I am so proud that Brenden has such high goals and I hope that he continues to do so.

We returned to the music building and got Brenden's packet and then went to the dorm to check in.  Brenden is in room 209 and it is a tiny room with 2 beds and a cabinet between the beds to hang your clothes and put your suitcase.  Since Brenden was the first one to arrive he got to pick which bed he wanted to be in and we helped him make his bed and hang his clothes. We tried to take a couple of pics of Brenden by his dorm room but, he was being a brat and wouldn't let us take ANY pictures. We then had to go back to the music building so Brenden could audition.  He got his viola tuned and now it was his turn.  Now we were supposed to leave once Brenden auditioned so, I asked him if he wanted us to leave before or after the audition and he said after.  Mom & I stayed until after his audition and he came out saying that he was not sure how he did as he had to play a piece that he has never seen.  Now, it was time for Mom & I to leave... :(   Brenden tells Mom & I "y'all have a 2 hour drive back".  LOL...I guess he was trying to get rid of us.   I was surprised at my emotions.....I wasn't tearful but, my heart was sad because I realized then that my baby boy was growing up and he wasn't going to be needing his mother too much longer.  Brenden decided that he was going to go downstairs to practice and we both told him bye.  :(  Mom & I stood at the stairs looking at each and finally said, I guess we better go.  We walked across the street to the parking garage and as we were driving out Mom said "Is that Brenden standing on the side of the street?"  I said I don't know, I can't see so drive out.  She drove out of the parking garage and there was Brenden standing on the side of the street!  We rolled down the window and asked him what he was doing and he said that he was going back to the dorm to take his stand to his room.  I said get in the car and we will take you around the corner to your room so, he gets in and when we were at the dorm he says "ok bye".  I told him to take his stuff up to the room and then we would take him back to the music building. was real, he was going to be own his own at camp!  I told him to call me in the evenings but, of course each night I have to call him a couple of times and or text him and he will FINALLY call me back.  He is such a boy!