Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's been a while.......summer of 2011

I haven't blogged much this loonngg hot summer, but I am back!

Summer is coming to an end and school will be starting soon.  This year is different from the past as I already have the clothes, shoes and school supplies bought and have already put money into Brenden's lunch account.  I am known to be a procrastinator but not this year!  I am ready for the routine.
Bring on the 2011/2012 school year.

My 12 1/2 year old son wears a size 13 shoe and is taller than me!  Wow, I can't believe my baby boy is already in 7th grade.  Where has the time gone?  While looking for school shoes Brenden found these and my first response was "those are ugly" and Brenden's response was "send a text to Brittany and if she likes them then we are buying them."  So, I sent her a text and now he is wearing the shoes.  Brenden thinks that Brittany is the fashion QUEEN!  So much for my opinion.

August 6, 2011
The annual slip n slide party.  Fun had by all!

Jace spent the night with me tonight.  He was so exhausted after being held and being outside most of the day that he fell right to sleep as soon as we got into the car.  Once home I gave him a quick bath, fed him a little bit of his bottle and he was out until 5:00 am the next morning.  I love spending one on one time with him. 

August 13, 2011
Brittany & Jace came over and spent the whole day with Brenden and I today.  He has discovered his hands and loves to suck on his fingers.  He getting so big and is already trying to turn over.

Brenden gave me my own personal concert today.  I don't know what it is about the coffee table, but Brittany and Brenden have always felt the need to get onto the coffee table, dance around a bit and then jump off of it onto the couch.  Really?  Here's Brenden playing his electric guitar standing on the coffee table.

Tyler is moving to college station today to attend Blinn college in the fall......a bittersweet moment!

Mom, Lisa and Casey helped him get settled into the house that he will be sharing with another guy & girl.

So, I mentioned before that Brenden was saving his money to get a guitar and he did it!  He worked hard this summer with his Dad and came home with over $1000.00.  He bought an I Pad, a guitar, guitar accessories, a saxophone and was even able to put money into his savings account.  I am so proud of him.  When he wants something he knows that Dad is not going to give him a loan or just hand over the money....he has to work for it.  I hope as he grows older that he will carry his work ethics with him.

My talented son also plays the viola and the acoustic guitar.  I have spent this summer running him to private lessons for both.  I know, I's all going to pay off in the end because he is going to become a rock star!

We all decided earlier in the year that since Jace will only be a couple of months old this summer that we would not be going to Concan this year so instead we went to Linda McGregor's house on Lake Livingston.  We spent most of our time playing in the water, riding the jet skis and took a couple of boat rides in the pontoon boat. 

We had a great week although we missed Brittany, John & Jace.  I am looking forward to next summer when Jace will be a little older and everyone can be together.