Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall.....October Birthdays!

School has begun and September has come and gone and I am glad it is behind us. We had so many things going on..... I finally re-financed my house, I bought Brenden a bedroom suit and got the extra bedroom painted, the company I work for moved 32 miles round trip from my house and Brenden is now a member of the Bay Area Youth Symphony which means practice every Sunday for an hour &15 minutes.  I feel like I spend more time in the car between work and running Brenden to private lessons for viola on Tuesday evening, private guitar lessons on Wednesday evenings and viola practice again on Sundays.  But, when I look at the BIG picture it's really not that big of a deal.   I am glad that Brenden has an outside interest that will keep him busy.

Brenden's first 2 reports card of his 7th grade year!  I am a proud Momma!

Brenden's new "teenager" room.

Brittany put these decals on Brenden's walls and they look great!  They add so much to the room.

Brenden built this futon couch all by himself....I told him that he was going to make some lady happy one day because women like men that can build things......

Brenden's first girlfriend Mackenzie.....she came and spent the day with Brenden a couple of weeks ago.  She's a little shy, but I know she will come around....
So, this is how a conversation went recently between Brenden and I about Mackenzie.

Me ~ So Brenden I hear that Mackenzie likes for you to call her sweetheart?

Brenden ~ Yes, but I don't like to!

Me ~ Why don't you like to call her that?

Brenden ~ UGH.....I don't know, but please don't tell her.  How did you know that she likes for me to call her that?

Me ~ I promise I won't tell her.  Moms know EVERYTHING!!  Ha,'s funny how kids think now and how they will be thinking it not so many years... Love it!

We started the month of October with Brittany's "25th" birthday.......I can not believe that Brittany is 25 years old.  Can I really be that much older?   Brittany, Mom & Lisa came over to our house and Lisa made chicken tortilla soup and we had strawberries/blueberries with whipped cream for Brittany's birthday dinner/desert.... John was working out of town.  :(  . 
Of course dinner was delicious and we all enjoyed our dinner & wine night...minus Casey :(.  On Saturday we got together at Mom's and the rest of the family joined us for Brittany/Lisa's birthday.

Jace is already 5 months old!  It seems like Brittany just found out she was pregnant.  He is such a happy baby and is discovering his hands/feet and that he has a voice.  He spent the night with me a couple of weeks ago and here he is fast asleep in my bed.

Love those kissy lips!

So happy, always smiling and laughing!

We are in the middle of October and it is time for birthday number three.....Brenden is turning "13"!  I can't believe that he is already 13, seems like it wasn't that long ago and he was Jace's age.  Man, where has the time gone?  I wish he would stay young forever.  I love having kids around.  

We celebrated Brenden's birthday at Skateworld and Mackenzie, Dylan, Alex and Ethan came. He got a driver from Grandmother, a Hollister shirt & pair of boxers from Brittany, John & Jace, money from Dylan and Ethan and I got him a hard case for his acoustic guitar and a guitar stand. Oh, and his Dad got him a 40 inch flat screen TV.....that kid has a bigger TV than I do!
 I love birthdays at muss, no fuss! 

We celebrated Brenden's actual birthday @ the Flying Dunchman (Brenden's words)  ie Flying Dutchman.

Now we are nearing the end of October and it is my birthday.....I don't feel this old!  I guess it is true what they say, it's only a number.  Mom, Lisa, Casey, Brittany, Laura and I celebrated my birthday at Painting with a Twist.  They supply the canvas, materials and instruction on how to paint the picture and you bring your own wine and snacks.  We all had sooo much fun!  Can't wait to go back......

Halloween is already here!  I miss the days of when Brittany & Brenden were little and we would take them trick or treating.  Can't wait until Jace is older and we can do that.  We continued the tradition and gathered @ Moms for dinner and passing out candy. 

Jace picked out his 1st pumpkin.


Our little devil!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11-11....10 Years Ago Today

Times of impact: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. 2819 dead from 115 different nations. 343 Fireman/paramedics, 23 NYPD, 37 Port Authority officers

I remember this day as if it were yesterday...I was working for XTRA Intermodal and was at the POH Barbours Cut training a lady for her first day on the job.  We were driving around the POH and one of my co-workers found us and asked if we had been listening to the radio and told us about the first plane crash.  We quickly went back to the office and our boss from our home office in Liberty Missouri called the office to tell us to go home.  I quickly left and went to La Porte High School to pick up Brittany.  The school was very chaotic as there were parents and students every where.  Then Brittany & I went to La Petite day care and picked up Brenden and met the family at Lisa's so we could all be together.  For the rest of the day we watched the news in disbelief that something so tragic had happened to our country.

As I watch the morning news my heart is saddened for all of the families that lost loved ones.  Today we remember all of those people and the brave men and women that continue to fight for our freedom.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's been a while.......summer of 2011

I haven't blogged much this loonngg hot summer, but I am back!

Summer is coming to an end and school will be starting soon.  This year is different from the past as I already have the clothes, shoes and school supplies bought and have already put money into Brenden's lunch account.  I am known to be a procrastinator but not this year!  I am ready for the routine.
Bring on the 2011/2012 school year.

My 12 1/2 year old son wears a size 13 shoe and is taller than me!  Wow, I can't believe my baby boy is already in 7th grade.  Where has the time gone?  While looking for school shoes Brenden found these and my first response was "those are ugly" and Brenden's response was "send a text to Brittany and if she likes them then we are buying them."  So, I sent her a text and now he is wearing the shoes.  Brenden thinks that Brittany is the fashion QUEEN!  So much for my opinion.

August 6, 2011
The annual slip n slide party.  Fun had by all!

Jace spent the night with me tonight.  He was so exhausted after being held and being outside most of the day that he fell right to sleep as soon as we got into the car.  Once home I gave him a quick bath, fed him a little bit of his bottle and he was out until 5:00 am the next morning.  I love spending one on one time with him. 

August 13, 2011
Brittany & Jace came over and spent the whole day with Brenden and I today.  He has discovered his hands and loves to suck on his fingers.  He getting so big and is already trying to turn over.

Brenden gave me my own personal concert today.  I don't know what it is about the coffee table, but Brittany and Brenden have always felt the need to get onto the coffee table, dance around a bit and then jump off of it onto the couch.  Really?  Here's Brenden playing his electric guitar standing on the coffee table.

Tyler is moving to college station today to attend Blinn college in the fall......a bittersweet moment!

Mom, Lisa and Casey helped him get settled into the house that he will be sharing with another guy & girl.

So, I mentioned before that Brenden was saving his money to get a guitar and he did it!  He worked hard this summer with his Dad and came home with over $1000.00.  He bought an I Pad, a guitar, guitar accessories, a saxophone and was even able to put money into his savings account.  I am so proud of him.  When he wants something he knows that Dad is not going to give him a loan or just hand over the money....he has to work for it.  I hope as he grows older that he will carry his work ethics with him.

My talented son also plays the viola and the acoustic guitar.  I have spent this summer running him to private lessons for both.  I know, I's all going to pay off in the end because he is going to become a rock star!

We all decided earlier in the year that since Jace will only be a couple of months old this summer that we would not be going to Concan this year so instead we went to Linda McGregor's house on Lake Livingston.  We spent most of our time playing in the water, riding the jet skis and took a couple of boat rides in the pontoon boat. 

We had a great week although we missed Brittany, John & Jace.  I am looking forward to next summer when Jace will be a little older and everyone can be together.