Friday, June 10, 2011

Family ~ Summertime!

June 6th - 12th 2011
Brenden has been at his Dads for a couple of days since school is out and he came home on Wednesday morning because he has to go to Lomax Jr. High to get his viola that we will be renting this summer and throughout the next school year.  I know I mentioned before that Brenden is ADD and once he gets something in his mind he can not go on to something else until whatever he is wanting comes to pass.  He is soo obsessed about getting this viola that he started calling me while on his way home from Archie's at 6:30 am and was asking what time Lisa was going to pick him up to take him to Lomax as she had volunteered to help out so I didn't have to take off of work.  Brenden continued with the phone calls to me for a couple of hours so finally I texted Lisa to tell her that Brenden was ready when she was so just let me know when she was on her way to pick up him up.  Lisa knows how he obsesses about things so she got dressed and picked him up.  So....I get a text from Lisa saying that Brenden's name was not on the list but, they had a viola for him and he was going to get one..... Thank GOD!  She said that when the lady said his name wasn't on the list that Brenden's face just dropped....  I am so glad that it all worked out as he is starting private viola lessons the end of June and then is off to Sam Houston State University for 4 days of orchestra camp.  I am excited about him going but, am kind of nervous as this is the first time that he will be away from home by himself.

I got Brenden's final report card in the mail this week and he ended the year just like he began it...with A's & B's.  I am so proud of how smart and dedicated Brenden is in school! 

I received Brenden's course selection letter for next year and they had put Brenden in all Pre AP classes based on his TAKS scores which he was commended in both Math & Reading.  I e-mailed the counselor at Lomax and we changed his AP classes to Math and Science only.  Thank goodness as I didn't want to have to hound Brenden all summer to read two books and make a journal about them.  Busy work, who needs it!

I took a 1/2 day off of work on Thursday & Friday.  On Thursday Lisa and I took the boys to the movies & on Friday we went to the wave pool.   

Brenden & I have been going to the wave pool for quite a few years and while I was there today I thought back to the the year before last whereas Brenden wanted me to be there right there by him and entertain him.  As I followed him to the deep end last year he said "OK you can go now"....Sad!  My little boy is growing up and no longer wanted his mom around.  This year I knew my role and just minded my own business while Brenden, Dillon & Foster went off to the deep end to have fun.
I knew that if Brenden needed me he would come find me and that is exactly what he did....he wanted money!  Everyone had a lots of fun in the sun!  I am so glad that I took off of work and got to spend the last 2 days with Brenden because as he gets older he is not going to want to hang out with his Mom at the movies or the wave pool.  Love making memories!

Brittany sends me pictures of Jace almost every day and I love seeing how much he is changing and growing.  Here are some of the pictures from over the past few weeks.

Jace is staying awake for longer periods of time during the day...I love looking into his eyes and talking to him.  I can't wait for him to come home with me and for us to spend time together!

Family - Tyler is graduating!

June 3rd & 4th 2011
I can't believe Tyler is graduating today.  It seems like yesterday that Brittany & Casey were sitting out on the field waiting for their names to be called.  Now the next to graduate is Kyra and Brenden.  The time is going way too fast.  Brenden will already be in 7th grade this year and it makes me sad!

So, before I wash Brenden's pants I always check the pockets because he is a boy and there is no telling what you might find!  This time I found this piece of paper folded up and on it was a stick person of Dad, Mom, Sis, baby & Me (Brenden) holding a balloon....I thought that was interesting as I guess this is Brenden's version of his family. :)

Since John was working out of town today I went over to Brittany's and we met Lisa & Mom @ Casey & Neill's house for dinner.  They have a nice house and I am so glad for them to be home owners.
Gigi & Jace @ Casey & Neill's

 I spent the night with Brittany and for the first time got up in the middle of the night to rock Jace after Brittany fed him as he wouldn't go back to sleep.  Although I was soo tired and am not used to being up @ 2:30 am I enjoyed every minute of it.  Jace likes to sleep on his side close to you and I love him snuggling up with me.  The next morning I got up with Jace and let Brittany sleep in as she needs her beauty sleep.  I am so proud of the mother she has become and knew she was going to know how to take care of him from the time they set eyes on each other.

                                            I bought this onesie for Jace ~ Summertime 2011