Sunday, April 24, 2011

Family ~ Easter Week

Aprill 18th - 24th 2011

Monday came & went with nothing to report. 

Tuesday morning Brittany had an appt. for her pregnancy massage and she loved it!  After the massage she received a phone call from Dr. Taylor's office asking if she could come in today instead of tomorrow so, off she went.  The next thing I know, I am receiving a phone call at work from Brittany saying that they are admitting her in the hospital because her blood pressure is elevated and Dr. Taylor wants some tests ran and for the specialist to do an ultrasound to see if the all is well with Jace because if the tests came back and there was a problem then they would induce her.  While in the hospital they did blood work, checked her urine and tryclicerides (sp.).  Turns out that her blood pressure had gone down and all of the tests came back good so, after spending 1/2 of her day in the hospital she was released.  She has to go back to see the specialist on Wednesday morning for an ultrasound and again, they may induce depending on the outcome.
Mom was supposed to leave @ 6:00 am on Wednesday morning to go with Carlene to, she is in a panic and doesn't know if she should go because she can not miss Jace being born.  So, after talking with everyone she decided to pay an extra $297.00 to change her flight to Thursday morning. 

Wednesday morning Brittany met Mom at the specialist office and received the ultrasound and Jace is doing great!  He already weighs 6 lbs 7 oz. and is growing!  YAY!  Brittany does not have to be induced.  They said that her plug is still very thick and his head is not even close to being in the birth canal and they are giving her 3 - 4 more weeks before he is born.  So happy that all turned out well and Jace is doing great!

Thursday morning Mom & Carlene are off to Alaska.  I know that they will both have a great time.

It's Good Friday and I am off of work today.  I have a contractor scheduled to tear out my old tile in my bathroom and lay the new tile.  The contractors get here about 9:00 am and work till about 2:00 pm because they have to let the tile set before they cut the other pieces and lay the border.  Lisa and Tami are delivering the dresser that they and Cindy bought for B & J so, I went over to their house only to see the dresser still in a box.  Oh well...Brittany & I moved the table that was in the corner to their room and set up the swing in it's place.  Brittany has all of Jace's clothes washed and his room is almost finished.  Just waiting on the tree that goes on the wall and have to get the other pictures hung and the dresser set up in the room.  Oh, and have to wait on Mom to get back from Alaska before Jace is born.

On Saturday the contractors were here again early and worked all day....the bathroom floor is finally finished.  Now, we have to get the baseboards and celing painted, the toilet installed and the shower door and the bathroom will FINALLY be finished.  This project has dragged on for months it seems but, it is looking great and I am so happy how it has turned out thus far.

On Sunday ~ family fun @ Moms although she is in Alaska.  It's just not the same without her.  This is the 1st Easter that she has EVER missed but, we understand as she will be here for Jace's 1st Easter and that is what counts!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family ~ Busy Days

April 11th - 17th 2011

We had a busy week, this week....

On Monday Brittany picked up Brenden from school & took him to the orthodontist and after his appt. she asked me to pick him up so she didn't have to bring him home & then go back to her house.  I got off of work and picked him up then this is how the conversation went...
Brenden ~ Are you in a hurry to get home?
Me ~ A little why?
Brenden ~ Can you go by Wal Mart on our way home because I "need" some mechanical pencils.
Me ~ We will stop by Walgreens since it is on our way home. Now Brenden doesn't ask for much other than $1,000.00 guitars that I will never be able afford so, we stop by Walgreens and $20 something dollars later we were walking out of the store with the mechanical pencils, pencil led, a laser pen, cheese for dipping his hot cheetos & some candy that is like those red twizzlers but, Brenden didn't realize he got fat free.  UGH!  Those things tasted terrible and I knew they would end up in the trash.  Oh well!

I told Brenden not to take that laser pen to school although when washing this week I found it in his pants pockets.  I am so glad that kids mind their parents.....

On Wednesday I had to go back to the chiropractor at lunch as I am now going twice a week and that will be for 8 weeks. UGH!  I will be glad when my back is feeling better & doesn't hurt all of the time. 
After work I took Brenden to guitar practice and got him something that he "had" to have for his guitar... I guess I am investing in his future to be a rock star.  Guitar practice is really paying off as Brenden has improved so much since beginning the lessons in January.
Mom brought some yummy food over from The Italian Cafe and Lisa and Brittany joined us for our American Idol night.  I love these times that we all share as we kick back relax, eat, drink some wine and of course have a lot of laughs...MEMORIES!

On Thursday Brenden had to go back to see Dr. First the orthopedic surgeon and they took a couple of x-rays, had him hop around on his foot and said he was released back to PE and all other normal activities except "for silly stuff like riding an ATV".  In my mind I am thinking ya, ok.....I know Brenden will be back on his dirt bike this weekend as it has been about 6 weeks since he fractured his growth plate in his foot.'s Friday!  I worked till 11:00 am this morning and rushed off to pick up Brittany from her house as we had a 12:00 pm appointment to meet her pediatrician, Dr. Kalia.   Dr. Kalia is Brenden's pediatrician and I love her!  Dr. Kalia was so sweet, she talked to Brittany about breast feeding and told her to not put a lot of thought into it as that will only shut her body down and her milk supply.  I hope the breast feeding goes well for Brittany as I understand that it can sometimes be frustrating.

After the appointment Brittany & I had lunch at Olive Garden and it was delicious.  Now we are off to find an outfit for Jace to come home in.  We went to Macy's and nothing!  We decide to go to Babies R Us one more time as we have both been there a thousand times during Brittany's pregnancy and haven't seen anything we like.  We look around and finally we find that special outfit.  I can't wait for Jace to be born and to see him in this outfit coming home.   

On Saturday I am up early as Mom & I are meeting Lisa, Cindy & Tami at Cindy's house for breakfast.....or at least that is what we thought as Lisa told Mom & I earlier in the week to be at Cindy's at 7:30 am to have breakfast casserole.  Mom & I get there breakfast casserole.  Lisa claims she was drunk when she told us there would be breakfast casserole but, I am pretty sure that, that wasn't the case.

Now we are off to the Houston Zoo for the Epilepsy Stroll that Lisa's work Cyberonics participates in every year.  We met Casey and Neill there and enjoyed the cool breeze strolling through the zoo.  After we got back Mom & I met at Jimmy Changa's for lunch and then I went home so I could get my light fixtures hung in my bathroom.  YAY!  The light fixutres are hung and the bathroom is so close to being finished.  Now, just waiting on a couple of people to come and give me an estimate on replacing my tile floor and to get the shower door in.  I can't wait to have everything done and to quit sharing a bathroom with Brenden.

Brittany & John are bored so they came to visit.... We sat outside, chatted and John & I drank a couple of beers then we met Mom @ Guidry's for dinner.  We don't particularly like that place but, that was John's choice as he wanted some gumbo and we don't really care where we eat.  It was a nice evening with a little breeze and I am just glad to be able to spend time with some of my favorite people!

Brittany only has about 3 1/2 - 4 more weeks and Jace will be here....We all can't wait, especially Brittany.  Her belly is growing and she is getting more and more uncomfortable.  All of the clothes are washed, his room is in order and now we are waiting.....


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family Fun ~ Baby Showers/Fun Run/Dr. Appts.

Saturday April 2, 2011
Brittany had her 2nd baby shower today that was hosted by Mom's girlfriends Cheryl, Rhonda, Elllen & Jeri.  The shower was at Cheryl's beautiful home and everything from the cake to all of the food was wonderful.  We all really appreciate the ladies hard work to make this day special for Brittany. 
Brittany received so many nice gifts.  I can't wait for us to be able to use all of them when Jace gets here.  I got him a book of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star where I recorded my voice to the story, some clothes/booties and a picture frame with his sonogram picture in it.
At the shower Casey announced that her & Neill have bought their 1st house in Keman Oaks.  I am so happy for them and can't wait to see it.

Week of April 8th - 10th 2011

Brittany went to see Dr. Taylor this week and Jace is doing well although Brittany's blood pressure was a little elevated .  Dr. Taylor stressed to Brittany that she didn't want to see Jace for at least 3 more weeks.  I can't believe that he is almost here.  All I want to do is hold him in my arms and look into his beautiful face.
I can't believe that I am going to be a Grandma!  WOW!  We are going to have so much fun!

I took Brenden to his pediatrician this week to re-fill his Focalin XR.  While seeing Dr. Kalia we had an opportunity to talk with her about Brenden's schooling.  Brenden's language arts teacher has recommened that he take pre-AP language arts next year so, I asked Dr. Kalia about it and this is what she said.  "By looking at Brenden's report card and seeing that he makes all A's and is already taking pre-AP math I would recommend him taking pre-AP Science & Social Studies as in Science they learn how to make things and Social Studies they learn writing skills and in pre-AP language arts it is a lot of reading and busy work and unless he is an avid reader I would not recommend that course."  Dr. Kalia also went on to say that she would not recommend Brenden taking all pre-AP classes as that would overload him. 

I am so proud of Brenden as he brought home his progress report with all A's!  Brenden is such a smart, talented kid.  He was tested for gifted & talented this week but, in my book he doesn't need to be tested as I already know he is both!    

I along with Allison, Mom, Lisa & Cindy walked in the 2nd annual 5K fun run/walk for La Porte High Schools Project Graduation to support our senior Tyler!  It started @ 8:00 am at Sylvan beach and was a nice course around that area.  Mom won 2nd place in her age category for the fastest time and received a medal and got her picture taken.  That was quite a surprise and a good laugh!

Brittany had her 3rd and final baby shower today hosted by Lisa's long time friends Cindy & Tami. 
The shower was at Cindy's house and they all worked so hard to make this shower great for Brittany and of course it was.  Brittany received a chest of drawers, a lot of diapers, gift cards, blankets and some outfits for Jace.  I got her a Beyond Beaute gift card for a pregnancy massage.  As the time is nearing and her belly is growing her back is killing her.  I hope she enjoys the massage and it brings some relief to her.
This shower was nice & casual and John & Johnny got to attend along with some other guys. Everyone enjoyed it as it was a great evening outside with a little breeze and it wasn't that humid.  Thank you Cindy & Tami!

Friday, April 1, 2011


So, Brittany & John are expecting their baby boy Jace in May and my family has been encouraging me to start blogging.  I have to say that at first I did not think that much about it as I am so personal and don't like putting thoughts/feelings done on paper.  But, as time gets closer and Brittany's belly is growing I decided it was time to start this blog.  I am so excited about meeting Jace and can't wait for him to be here for me to spoil just like I have spoiled both of my kids.  The good part about Jace is that I can give him back to his parents.  We can't wait to have this baby boy in our family as we are a big family with a lot of women and it will be nice to have one more boy.
We found out they were expecting a boy by this cake.  What a great surprise!'s a BOY!

                                                              Some blue booties from G.
May 28th - April 1st ~
 I was at work this week and I see that Brenden's school phone # was calling.....My first thought ~ Oh, great Brenden is in trouble in school and one of his teachers is calling to talk or Brenden was calling with a problem.  Either way those phone calls are not good as we have had a couple of them this school year.  So, I answer the phone and to my surprise it was Brenden's orchestra teacher inviting us to Jones Hall to the Celebration for Educators symphony concert.  Mr. Barker said "Brenden is on fire for orchestra and we are only giving these tickets to a select few students and would like to give you 2 tickets if you would like to take Brenden."  Of course I said yes as I knew Brenden would want to go.  Now, you have to understand that I don't usually venture far from home in the evenings and to go to Houston.  OMG!  What was I thinking?  But, again I knew that Brenden wanted to go so I had to suck it up and just do it.....So, I borrowed Lisa's GPS and had the address all set in before we left the house.  I get home for work and while getting ready Brenden kept asking is it time to go.  I knew that he was ready.....He put his dress pants on and a nice shirt and then gave me a map that his teacher had given him.  I told him that we didn't need the map as I had the GPS.  Brenden brought the map anyway.  LOL  I gave him the tickets and he put them in his pocket and took care of that.  My little boy is growing up and it makes me so sad!  I want him to stay young forever...
Now we are off to Houston.  Even though I had the GPS Brenden got his map out and helped me navigate (we only took 1 wrong turn) but, that was ok as the GPS got us back on track and in no time we were at our destination Jones Hall.  We quickly found a parking garage not far from Jones Hall, got parked and only had to walk not even a block.   We arrived at Jones Hall and the doors were not open yet so, we sat outside and I enjoyed the evening breeze and people watched and Brenden played games on my cell phone while waiting for the doors to open.  I think he must have asked me about 10 times what time it was and when were they going to open the doors.....his ADD was kicking in and I was hoping that the doors would open soon.  Finally, the doors opened and we were able to go in and sit down.  Since the concert was free the seating was first come, first serve.  Brenden wanted to sit on the very first row but, I talked him into sitting in the next section up on the very first row and there was no one sitting directly in front of us so, we had great seats.  The concert began and was very good.  They had a 17 year old violin student play with the Houston Symphony for 4 of the 5 songs then it was intermission and Brenden was hungry and started getting a little antsy so, I asked him if he was ready to go home and he first said yes then no then remembered he had homework, asked what time it was and decided it was time to go home.  Brenden is so funny!  Most kids would not think about the homework and would be glad to stay out late but, Brenden is not like that.  Once it gets close to 9:00 pm he is ready to go home and settle into bed. So, we left the concert during intermission which was fine with me.  We had a great evening and Brenden even taught me some things about the music & musicians.  I am so glad that he wanted to go and that we were able to share this evening together.

Brittany has stayed with Brenden & I for a couple of days this week because John is out of town.  So, this is how the conversation went this morning while Brenden is getting ready for school.
Brenden ~ Is Brittany going to be here when I get home from school?
Me ~ No why?
Brenden ~ Because there is a new kid at our bus stop and I want him to come home with me after school so we can play on my play station.
Me ~ So, why are you asking about Brittany being here?
Brenden ~ Because you know that Brittany is weird and I didn't want to invite my friend over if she was here.
Me ~ Brenden!
Brenden ~ Well, you know it's true!
Out of the mouths of babes...gotta love kids!