Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family Fun ~ Baby Showers/Fun Run/Dr. Appts.

Saturday April 2, 2011
Brittany had her 2nd baby shower today that was hosted by Mom's girlfriends Cheryl, Rhonda, Elllen & Jeri.  The shower was at Cheryl's beautiful home and everything from the cake to all of the food was wonderful.  We all really appreciate the ladies hard work to make this day special for Brittany. 
Brittany received so many nice gifts.  I can't wait for us to be able to use all of them when Jace gets here.  I got him a book of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star where I recorded my voice to the story, some clothes/booties and a picture frame with his sonogram picture in it.
At the shower Casey announced that her & Neill have bought their 1st house in Keman Oaks.  I am so happy for them and can't wait to see it.

Week of April 8th - 10th 2011

Brittany went to see Dr. Taylor this week and Jace is doing well although Brittany's blood pressure was a little elevated .  Dr. Taylor stressed to Brittany that she didn't want to see Jace for at least 3 more weeks.  I can't believe that he is almost here.  All I want to do is hold him in my arms and look into his beautiful face.
I can't believe that I am going to be a Grandma!  WOW!  We are going to have so much fun!

I took Brenden to his pediatrician this week to re-fill his Focalin XR.  While seeing Dr. Kalia we had an opportunity to talk with her about Brenden's schooling.  Brenden's language arts teacher has recommened that he take pre-AP language arts next year so, I asked Dr. Kalia about it and this is what she said.  "By looking at Brenden's report card and seeing that he makes all A's and is already taking pre-AP math I would recommend him taking pre-AP Science & Social Studies as in Science they learn how to make things and Social Studies they learn writing skills and in pre-AP language arts it is a lot of reading and busy work and unless he is an avid reader I would not recommend that course."  Dr. Kalia also went on to say that she would not recommend Brenden taking all pre-AP classes as that would overload him. 

I am so proud of Brenden as he brought home his progress report with all A's!  Brenden is such a smart, talented kid.  He was tested for gifted & talented this week but, in my book he doesn't need to be tested as I already know he is both!    

I along with Allison, Mom, Lisa & Cindy walked in the 2nd annual 5K fun run/walk for La Porte High Schools Project Graduation to support our senior Tyler!  It started @ 8:00 am at Sylvan beach and was a nice course around that area.  Mom won 2nd place in her age category for the fastest time and received a medal and got her picture taken.  That was quite a surprise and a good laugh!

Brittany had her 3rd and final baby shower today hosted by Lisa's long time friends Cindy & Tami. 
The shower was at Cindy's house and they all worked so hard to make this shower great for Brittany and of course it was.  Brittany received a chest of drawers, a lot of diapers, gift cards, blankets and some outfits for Jace.  I got her a Beyond Beaute gift card for a pregnancy massage.  As the time is nearing and her belly is growing her back is killing her.  I hope she enjoys the massage and it brings some relief to her.
This shower was nice & casual and John & Johnny got to attend along with some other guys. Everyone enjoyed it as it was a great evening outside with a little breeze and it wasn't that humid.  Thank you Cindy & Tami!

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