Sunday, April 24, 2011

Family ~ Easter Week

Aprill 18th - 24th 2011

Monday came & went with nothing to report. 

Tuesday morning Brittany had an appt. for her pregnancy massage and she loved it!  After the massage she received a phone call from Dr. Taylor's office asking if she could come in today instead of tomorrow so, off she went.  The next thing I know, I am receiving a phone call at work from Brittany saying that they are admitting her in the hospital because her blood pressure is elevated and Dr. Taylor wants some tests ran and for the specialist to do an ultrasound to see if the all is well with Jace because if the tests came back and there was a problem then they would induce her.  While in the hospital they did blood work, checked her urine and tryclicerides (sp.).  Turns out that her blood pressure had gone down and all of the tests came back good so, after spending 1/2 of her day in the hospital she was released.  She has to go back to see the specialist on Wednesday morning for an ultrasound and again, they may induce depending on the outcome.
Mom was supposed to leave @ 6:00 am on Wednesday morning to go with Carlene to, she is in a panic and doesn't know if she should go because she can not miss Jace being born.  So, after talking with everyone she decided to pay an extra $297.00 to change her flight to Thursday morning. 

Wednesday morning Brittany met Mom at the specialist office and received the ultrasound and Jace is doing great!  He already weighs 6 lbs 7 oz. and is growing!  YAY!  Brittany does not have to be induced.  They said that her plug is still very thick and his head is not even close to being in the birth canal and they are giving her 3 - 4 more weeks before he is born.  So happy that all turned out well and Jace is doing great!

Thursday morning Mom & Carlene are off to Alaska.  I know that they will both have a great time.

It's Good Friday and I am off of work today.  I have a contractor scheduled to tear out my old tile in my bathroom and lay the new tile.  The contractors get here about 9:00 am and work till about 2:00 pm because they have to let the tile set before they cut the other pieces and lay the border.  Lisa and Tami are delivering the dresser that they and Cindy bought for B & J so, I went over to their house only to see the dresser still in a box.  Oh well...Brittany & I moved the table that was in the corner to their room and set up the swing in it's place.  Brittany has all of Jace's clothes washed and his room is almost finished.  Just waiting on the tree that goes on the wall and have to get the other pictures hung and the dresser set up in the room.  Oh, and have to wait on Mom to get back from Alaska before Jace is born.

On Saturday the contractors were here again early and worked all day....the bathroom floor is finally finished.  Now, we have to get the baseboards and celing painted, the toilet installed and the shower door and the bathroom will FINALLY be finished.  This project has dragged on for months it seems but, it is looking great and I am so happy how it has turned out thus far.

On Sunday ~ family fun @ Moms although she is in Alaska.  It's just not the same without her.  This is the 1st Easter that she has EVER missed but, we understand as she will be here for Jace's 1st Easter and that is what counts!

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