Saturday, May 7, 2011

Family - Mothers Day Weekend

May 2nd - 8th 2011
So, I get a phone call from Brenden's teacher saying that he has a hole in his pants and she wanted to know if I could bring him another pair of pants.  Luckily Brittany & I had just gone to lunch and she was on her way to the house.  Brittany got Brenden another pair of pants and had her speech for the school all ready as we figured that the hole could not have been that big since it was already 1:00 pm and he had been at school since 8:00 am that morning.  As Brittany walked into the office there was Brenden standing there with a huge hole in the knee of his pants....
Brittany ~ Really Brenden?
Brenden ~ Really Brittany?
I can hear both of them now.......damn kids!

Today is Wednesday & Brittany went to the doctor is hopes in good news but, she was not dilated and her blood pressure was elevated.  Dr. Taylor sent her over to the hospital for observation and to check the level of protein in her urine.  She was checked in and as she spent the afternoon in the hospital her blood pressure went down.  G & Lisa visited her at lunch and Brittany was in a good mood as Dr. Taylor had come to see her and told her that by law she could not induce her because she was not at the 39 week mark but, she could call her office the next morning and schedule the induction.  She has been having headaches so Dr. Taylor had a neurologist see her and told her that he didn't want to do a scan on her because of the radiation and the only thing she could do was take Excedrin and he recommended her drinking a coke.  After the neurologist saw her she was discharged and was able to go home.

First thing Thursday morning Brittany called Dr. Taylors office and left a message for the nurse to schedule the induction.  That afternoon the nurse called her back but, they are all booked up next week and they could not put her on the schedule.  Brittany is so upset because in her words, she is MISERABLE!  The only hope is for one of the women scheduled will go in labor this weekend and then she can be scheduled for the induction.  The nurse said that they would call her Monday morning if that happens.... Let's all cross our fingers as we want that baby boy to be born!

It's Friday afternoon, my cell phone is ringing & I see it's the school's phone number...... My first thought? Crap, here we go again but, no it's Brenden on the other line saying that he had mis-behaved in Mrs. Horelka's math class while they had a substitute and was in trouble.  UGH!  I hate these phone calls.  I asked him why he was in trouble and his typical answer was "I don't know".  Really Brenden?  Now I have to talk to the teacher and she explained that he & a couple of other boys were mis-behaving with the sub. and she said that if he did that again he would have ISS.   I am so glad that there is less than a month to go in this school year....I am tired!  I call Archie and ask him what he wants to do about it and he said there must be something in the air as he has had employee problems today.  Whatever!  So frustrating.... because I am mad.....Mad that my 12 year old kid can not behave in school.  Brenden is so smart and makes straight A's and it is frustrating that he can't behave like he is supposed to.  So, I get home and of course have to have "the talk"...I hate doing that too.  I told him if he gets any more conduct marks then he will not be able to go to orchestra camp this summer.  I hate being the bad guy but, I guess that's my job.  I am so looking forward to the summer when both of us can relax & will have no worries!

It's Mothers day....Brenden & I got up and he wanted me to go get donuts but, it's mothers day and my turn to be treated to breakfast so, Brenden cooked me scrambled eggs & bisuits for breakfast!  I have not had breakfast cooked for me since Brittany was living here.  Brittany came to visit us early in the morning and we all enjoyed laying was just like old times.  I enjoyed both of them being with me on mothers day.  Later that afternoon we went to Moms and Lisa, Tyler, Casey & Neill were there and it was a nice relaxing afternoon chilling under the palapas.  We cooked beer can chicken, corn on the cob & potatoes.  Great food for a great day!  After dinner Brittany was not feeling good because she had a headache & a pain in the top of her stomach so, she called Dr. Taylor.  Dr. Taylor said that she could either go to the hospital that evening or wait until in the morning.  Brittany mentioned that she still had a headache so Dr. Taylor wanted her to go to the hospital that evening so, Brittany left Moms and John met her at the hospital.  They did some blood work, a urine test and checked her blood pressure which was a little elevated and decided to keep her for observation overnight and wanted her to see the specialist in the morning and the neurologists for her headadches.  Dr. Taylor checked on Brittany at 12:00 am and mentioned that they may induce her in the morning.  Once the morning came Dr. Taylor saw her again but, then said that depending on all of her test results they may send her home and see her on Wednesday for her normal doctor appointment.  Brittany was not only disappointed but, also pissed as she just wants to be induced!

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