Monday, May 23, 2011

Family ~ Teenagers!

May 23rd - 29th 2011

I am so proud of Brenden!  He received the following from the solo judge that he performed for this past Saturday.

So.....I came home from work today, slaved in the hot kitchen making mine & Brenden's dinner and when he brought his plate to the kitchen and said he was finished I looked at it and the conversation went like this.......

Me ~ Why didn't you eat your pork chops?
Brenden ~ Because I didn't like them?
Me ~ Why you ate them the last time & said you liked them.
Brenden ~ Well, I must have been lying when I said that!

Really!  Aren't teenagers great!  UGH!  I love Brenden so much but, some days I don't like him because I know he is becoming a teenager..... What happened to my sweet baby boy?

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