Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family ~ Good Times

May 16th - 22nd 2011

Brenden is going to orchestra camp this summer @ Sam Houston State University from June 26th - 30th.  He will be staying in the dorms....First time away from home without ME.  I am a little nevous but, when I ask him about it he says he is not nervous at all.  My baby is growing up & I don't like it.

Did I ever mention that my son Brenden is ADD??  He gets something in his head and won't give up on the idea until it comes to fruition.....this week it is a new guitar that he is wanting BUT, it costs about $500.00.

So, he has decided he wants to sell all of his WII games back to Game Stop and I agreed that he could do that but, just not right this minute.  So, every day from the day that we agreed to sell the games he has asked me to take him to Game Stop.  UGH!  He is so persistent.  I finally told him we would go to Game Stop after guitar lessons on Wednesday.

I got home from work on Wednesday and he had all of the games together that he wants to sell so, we went to guitar lessons and then to Game Stop.  Brenden had 16 games that he sold and got $69.00 in cash and FINALLY he was happy!  Archie said that he owed Brenden about $80.00 for the work he has done at the property so his savings is quickly rising. 

YAY, it's Wednesday and American Idol night.....Mom brought over some delicious chinese food and Mom, Lisa and I gathered around the table for our weekly dinner & chat. After dinner Brenden was practicing his Viola as he has a solo contest on Saturday.  Now, usually I don't mind him practicing but, for some reason on this day it was scraping my last nerve & I couldn't take it anymore so, I asked him to put it up.

I love our AI nights because it is a time for all of us to get together and talk about whatever is going on in our lives.  Now, Brenden usually doesn't engage too much in our conversations but, on this day he was chattin it up with us and we loved it! 
After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine we decided to watch American Idol.  Brenden asked us if we wanted some cookies and Mom said yes she would like 3 cookies, Lisa wanted 1 and I wanted 3 as well and Brenden response was "THAT MANY?"  LOL.... We thought that usually you cook at least 1 dozen but, not Brenden.  He usually cookies only 3 or 4 cookies at a time.  Brenden made us our cookies but, he wanted to charge $1.00 for icing and .50 cents for sprinkles.  Ha, ha....that boy knows how to make a buck!
We all denied the add ons and ate the cookies for free.  By the end of the night Brenden was sitting in the middle of Mom & Lisa and was even hugging on Lisa!

                                                                      Good Times! 
When Mom was ready to leave Brenden & I walked her out and Brenden said to Mom "you know a boy needs some walking around money"  LOL....he is still trying to add to his guitar fund.  Of course Mom couldn't deny that and Brenden was $10.00 richer.

I took a day of PTO from work on Friday so, I was planning on spending the day with Brittany & Jace so Brittany could get some much needed rest.  As it turned out John was working in Dallas on Thursday and wasn't going to be home until late that night so Brittany asked if I wanted to spend the night.  Of course I do! I took Brenden to the La Porte house where Archie was and he spent the night with him and they took him to school the next morning.
I picked up dinner for Brittany & I at Olive Garden and went to their house.  We ate dinner then I fed Jace while Brittany made bottles....never ending job!  I held Jace forever it seemed and was loving every minute of it.
 We cleaned up the house then sat down to watch some recorded TV.  It was so nice just visiting with the two of them.  We stayed up until about midnight which is WAY past my bedtime but, I didn't mind a bit.  I love my time with them.
The next morning John came home around 7:30 am with donuts.  We ate some breakfast, John fed Jace and he went to bed.  Brittany wasn't far behind him as she needed some sleep!  Now, it's bonding time.....I sat on the couch and held Jace for a long time then put him in his cradle.  I pulled the cradle over next to the couch so I could cat nap while Jace was sleeping.  I dozed but, never fell a sleep because I kept checking on Jace.

Finally it's feeding time and he is waking up with his little squeaks....he hardly ever cries.  I fed him then changed his clothes and he was awake for about 1 1/2 hrs.  It's picture time!

I went home that afternoon so I would be there when Brenden got home from school.  I got us dinner, showered and then's hard work taking care of a baby but, I love every minute of it.

Saturday morning I got up cleaned house and Brenden practiced his viola a little bit as he has a solo in front of a judge @ Baker Jr. High @ 1:24 pm.  Brittany was supposed to be at the house with Jace about 12:00 pm so Archie could finally meet Jace but, didn't get there until about 12:40 pm because as she was getting Jace ready he peed all over his outfit. 

Today is Jaces first outing and we are going to Jessica's baby shower.  Brittany said it's hard work getting me, Jace and everything he needs ready!  Welcome to motherhood......

Brenden & I left and went to his school & Archie & Mom met us there.  Brenden warmed up a bit and he was ready.....We all went into a room and there was 1 judge and Brenden's private lesson teacher who played the piano while Brenden played his viola.  Brenden introduced himself to the judge and told her what song he was playing and she said "Oh one of my favorite songs."  When Brenden was finished the judge said that she was very impressed that he had done a great job!  She asked him if he took private lessons and he said yes by Mrs. Leon.  The judge also asked what school he was going to next year and said that they would be lucky to be having him and that she knew that he would be in regionals next year and probably would end up in San Antonio for state competition.  She gave him so many compliments and then finally said "All I can say is WOW!"  Mom & I had tears in our eyes.....  I knew Brenden was good but, since I never hear anyone else play it is hard to know what level he is on.  That was 1 of my proudest Mom moments!  We were all beaming as we walked out of the room and Brenden being humble didn't really say much.  He knows he's good!  I am so proud of him!
We went to Jessica's shower and had a great afternoon.  She received so many nice gifts.  I can't believe how her tummy has grown since I saw her last at Brittany's shower a couple of months ago.  We are going to have another baby boy in our family....
After the shower Brittany, Jace & I met Mom at her house for more bonding time....I enjoyed the evening so much!

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