Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jace is finally here....

Monday May 9th
Mid morning the specialist saw Brittany and did an ultrasound to find that Jace's fluid level is low but, his heart beat is strong and he is healthy so they have finally decided to induce.  Thank God!  I don't think I could take it if she was sent home for the third time!  Dr. Taylor came in and checked her and said that she felt Jace's head and that it will be easy once she breaks her water.  YAY!  They inserted the cervidil so her cervix could thin out which will take about 12 hrs.  Mom could not stand it any longer and decided to leave work about 1:30 - 2:00 pm so she went home ate lunch, stopped by the Hallmark store then finally text Brittany to see if it was ok for her to go to the hospital.  Of course Brittany said yes and Mom said good because I am in the parking lot.  Brittany said well, it's a good thing I didn't say no.  I came up to the hospital about 3:30 pm and Lisa wasn't far behind.  We stayed till about 6:00 pm and left so Brittany could rest as she was going to have a long day tomorrow.  The 3 of us went to Carrabas's for a delicious dinner and a couple of glasses of wine.  We all needed a little unwinding before the BIG day!  About 10:30 pm  they will take the cervidil out, give her an enema and then she will take a sauna bath for about 30 minutes.  After the bath they will break her water, start the pitocin and give her a Ambien to sleep for awhile.  Dr. Taylor said she would probably have Jace about 2:00 or 3:00 pm on Tuesday afternoon.

I am so excited...can't believe I will be a Grandma or whatever I will be called!  I have never really given much thought to that as Brittany has always said she didn't like kids and Brenden is 12 yrs. younger than Brittany so, it would be a long time before he had kids.  I can't wait to hold Jace in my arms, to babysit him when it is just me & him and to spoil him!  We are going to make so many memories.....
Just can't wait for tomorrow!

It Tuesday and we are going to have a baby! 
I got Brenden off to school and had my couple of cups of coffee waiting to hear from Brittany.  She called about 7:45 am and they had taken the cervidil out, given her the enema and she was able to take a shower before they started the pitocin.  Once the pitocin was started they gave her 2 Ambien and she said she was able to get a good nights sleep.
The nurses came in about 6:00 am to check on her and she was having mild contractions.  She didn't want anyone coming to the hospital until after she had the epidural.....Really?  We had to wait that long?  I spoke to Mom and decided to go ahead and get dressed and head over to her house as Lisa was already there.  I got there and we sat outside under the palapa waiting...............seemed like forever!  We decided to have a couple of Mimosa's instead of the beer that Mom offered us as it was only 10:00 am! 

We waited around until close to noon and decided to have some lunch and then head over to the hospital because we couldn't stand it any longer.  We got to the hospital and her contractions were closer together and more intense.  We stayed in the room with her although we were not allowed to talk or touch her.  She was in PAIN!  John did a great job, he was right by her side the whole time.
The nurse checked her later that day and said that Jace was not positioning himself in the birth canal and that his face was turned to the side.  Before Dr. Taylor came in and checked her she received more pain meds. for the epidural as it was wearing off.  Dr. Taylor mentioned that if he did not turn it was a possibility that she may have a C-section.  Brittany has said all through her pregnancy that she did not want to have a C-section so, of course we were concerned.   Since Jace was not turning on his own the nurses decided to put Brittany in several different positions on the bed as they said that in the past when they try this the baby turns.  All we could think of is PLEASE let him turn as we didn't want to think about a C-section!  Now the estimated time of delivery is between 9:00 pm - midnight.  It's going to be a longer day than all expected.

Brenden has a orchestra concert at 6:00 pm and a parent meeting at Lomax Jr. High at 6:00 pm.  I was planning on going to the parent meeting and Mom and Archie were going to go to the concert but, since the delivery time had changed Mom & I knew we weren't going to make either thing.  I called Archie to tell him of the change in delivery and told him that he would have to get Brenden to the concert and take him home with him as I didn't have any idea what time I would be home.  When Brenden got home from school I told him that we were still at the hospital and I could not go to the parent meeting.  He asked "can't G come to my concert?"  I told him no because the hospital wasn't close enough for her to leave and come back as we didn't know when Brittany would have Jace.  He sounded sooooo disappointed!  It broke my heart.  I felt so bad as this was his last concert of the year and he wanted everyone there.  I told Mom and she was teary eyed and said that maybe she go ahead and go and come back but, Lisa and I told her that there was no way she could leave at this point.  :( 
Lisa was looking at her faceboook as we were talking about Brenden and his concert and he had posted
" :( Only my Dad can come to my concert bc everyone is at the hospital with Brittany waiting for her to have her baby" 

OMG!  We all looked at each other and were so sad..............  We started thinking what can we do?  Lisa called Lauren to see if her & Tyler had plans for the evening and they said no so, she asked if they could go to the concert and so they did.  Brenden really looks up to Tyler and I am so happy that they went.  Lisa sent Brenden a FB message saying that Tyler and Lauren would be there and Brenden asked "are they staying for both performances"  LOL  Lisa told him that she didn't know.......  Tyler and Lauren went to the concert and did stay for both performances!  That meant so much to me and I know that it meant a lot to Brenden as well.
Now that we had that taken care of we decided to go get something to eat as it was now around 6:00 pm and we knew it was going to be a long night.  We went to Pappacitos and had some nachos but, couldn't really relax as we were nervous/excited about the new arrival.  We got back to the hospital and found Courtney in the waiting room.  She said that she had been in the room but, they were moving Brittany around so she decided to wait in the waiting room.  I took John his dinner and Brittany said "I don't want anyone coming in here" and I told her ok "I was just bringing John his food", she laughed as she wasn't very pleasant when she said it.

Waiting for the BIG arrival!

 I went back into the waiting room and about 7:30 pm John sent me a text.... "She is dilated 9 cm and only two people can be in the room, me & You"  I said ok, just let me know when then about 15 or so minutes later he said it would be about 15 minutes and then they would have her start pushing.  I asked him if I should come now and he said no, it would be a few more minutes.  Then FINALLY about 8:00 pm he sent me a text and said "Lets go".  So many emotions/thoughts were running through my mind.  I felt like I flew through the halls to get to her room.  Once I reached her room there was Brittany, John on one side of her and her nurse.  Now, I thought I was going to stand in the corner and look pretty BUT, oh no I had a job to do!  The nurse asked me if I was a leg holder and of course I said YES!  I stood on the other side of Brittany and as she had a contraction John & I held her legs back while she pushed.  Then she would rest a few minutes and push again.  The nurse was great!  She had such a calm soothing voice and coached Brittany right through each contraction.  As Brittany was pushing I kept looking for a head.  The nurse said that the hardest part was to push his head through her cervix.  Finally, we had a peek at Jace's head!  So exciting because we knew it would not be long for that baby boy to be born.  Brittany pushed a few more times and his head was crowning......but, the doctor was not here yet.  Brittany kept saying that she needed to push but, the nurse said that she was going to have to breath through the next few contractions so the doctor could deliver him.  The nurse said that she could deliver him but, then she would have a lot of paperwork to fill out so, it would be better to wait for the doctor.  At this point Brittany is getting upset and asked "where is the doctor?"  The nurse said that she was in the parking lot and in no time she was entering the door to her room.  The doctor came in put on her scrubs, had Brittany push a couple of more times and let Brittany feel his head with her fingers and in no time Jace was born! 

So emotional!  He is so cute and we are so happy that he is a healthy 7 lbs 7 oz, 20.5 inches long baby boy!  After they clamped off the cord they put Jace on Brittany's chest for her to see him.    Then they took him to the other side of the room and I went over there to take all the pictures I can.  I sent everyone a text saying "He is born"......  At that time I knew Brittany was ok because she had the doctor and all of the nurses to finish their business with her.  They got Jace all cleaned up then gave him to Brittany.....He is so beautiful.  I can't believe that my daughter has had a baby of her own.  I then went out to the waiting room so Mom, Lisa, Casey & Courtney could come in to see Jace.  After they saw him and took some pictures Casey & Courtney left so I went back in for a few more minutes.  We unwrapped Jace to look at him and he is so cute.  He looks just like Brittany and even has a shy toe.

 So crazy!  We are all soooo tired and it was time for Brittany, John and Jace to be together so we left about 10:00 pm and went back to Moms as we had all ridden together to the hospital.  I got home about 10:45 pm took a Valium and passed out.  What a day!

I took off of work on Wednesday and got Brenden off to school and got my shower and went up to the hospital about 11:00 am as John had gone home to shower.  Lisa was there and Brittany was able to take her shower.  All I want to do is hold him and look into his beautiful face!  I still can't believe he is finally here.  Krista, Kelley, Kerbi and Casey came by to visit.  I stayed until about 3:30 pm and went home so Brittany could get some rest.  Oh, and she is doing a great job breast feeding.......forgot about that!

Now it is Thursday and Jace gets his circumcision and gets to go home.  I talked to Brittany earlier in the morning and all they were waiting on was for Jace to be released. 

                                                           Ready to go HOME!
They got home a little after noon and was able to spend the day together.  I talked to her a couple of times during the day and all was good!  That is until the night time and all Jace wanted to do was cluster feed which means he wanted to be close to her breast but, not really breast feeding.....needless to say she gave him a bottle @ 5:00 am so all of them could get some sleep.  Brittany said she tried breast feeding and was OVER it!  Been there, done that but, it just wasn't working out for her or Jace.  Good for her for trying as she got that experience.

Finally Friday!  I worked all day and talked to Brittany a couple of times on the phone and she asked if I wanted to come over after work to see Jace.  Of course I do!  I went straight to their house after work and cleaned up a little for them and Brittany & I gave Jace a sponge bath.

First bath......

  He was so good, didn't really cry at all although he didn't like all the pictures I was taking while Brittany was getting him dressed.  All I want to do is hold him and stare into his face.  His eyes were open and he was so alert.  I know, I know that's because he is already so advanced!  Love that boy already! 
Oh, and of course I had to get a picture of the two of us because Brittany was busy...

Saturday morning I wake up to a text from Brittany saying that she would take me up on my offer to get her the cabbage & ace bandage so she could start the process of drying up her milk.  I got dressed, went to the store got the goods and was on my way.....Oh, I also took the cradle that Brenden slept in when he was born as it is smaller and I think it will be easier to maneuver around their apartment.  We got Brittany all wrapped up in her ace bandage and she said that she already felt better.  Then it was my Jace time before I had to go to my nail appt.  I left and went to my appt. and she sent me a couple of more pics of Jace.  I told her earlier in the week that if she didn't send me lots of pics I would INVADE them! 
Later that day I went to Moms as Tyler was going to prom with Lauren that evening and him and a bunch of his friends met at Moms for prom pictures.  I can't believe that Tyler is already graduating as it doesn't seem long that Brittany & Casey were doing the same thing.  Lisa and Casey went to the beach house that Tyler & Lauren were staying at that evening to chaperon.  Can't wait for the details on that evening!

So it's Sunday evening and I have logged onto Brenden's facebook to check it out.  In reading all of the posts I found one that I thought was funny from a girl that Brenden is friends goes like this.
"There aren't enough days in the weekend.  Stupid school, I really hope you pay off one day!"  Thoughts from a 6th grader....Love that!

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