Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tuesday May 17th 2011
Brittany needed some insurance paperwork that I printed out for her so, I told her that "I could bring it by"....of course I had an ulterior motive.  I got there and cranky pants needed his diaper changed and was HUNGRY!  That pacifer wasn't doing the trick.  I got to change him & feed him for the first time.   He snuggled up on my chest while I tried to burp him but, he wasn't gonna do it....he eventually fell right to sleep.  Everytime I see him all I want to do is hold him and it is sooo hard to leave.  :(  Brittany's sister Melanie and her sister came to visit Jace while I was there.  I am so glad that Brittany & Melanie keep in touch.  I hope that she got lots of pictures.
Brittany sent me a text this morning saying Good Morning and this picture was attached.
                                                                   Love that boy!

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