Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family ~ Busy Days

April 11th - 17th 2011

We had a busy week, this week....

On Monday Brittany picked up Brenden from school & took him to the orthodontist and after his appt. she asked me to pick him up so she didn't have to bring him home & then go back to her house.  I got off of work and picked him up then this is how the conversation went...
Brenden ~ Are you in a hurry to get home?
Me ~ A little why?
Brenden ~ Can you go by Wal Mart on our way home because I "need" some mechanical pencils.
Me ~ We will stop by Walgreens since it is on our way home. Now Brenden doesn't ask for much other than $1,000.00 guitars that I will never be able afford so, we stop by Walgreens and $20 something dollars later we were walking out of the store with the mechanical pencils, pencil led, a laser pen, cheese for dipping his hot cheetos & some candy that is like those red twizzlers but, Brenden didn't realize he got fat free.  UGH!  Those things tasted terrible and I knew they would end up in the trash.  Oh well!

I told Brenden not to take that laser pen to school although when washing this week I found it in his pants pockets.  I am so glad that kids mind their parents.....

On Wednesday I had to go back to the chiropractor at lunch as I am now going twice a week and that will be for 8 weeks. UGH!  I will be glad when my back is feeling better & doesn't hurt all of the time. 
After work I took Brenden to guitar practice and got him something that he "had" to have for his guitar... I guess I am investing in his future to be a rock star.  Guitar practice is really paying off as Brenden has improved so much since beginning the lessons in January.
Mom brought some yummy food over from The Italian Cafe and Lisa and Brittany joined us for our American Idol night.  I love these times that we all share as we kick back relax, eat, drink some wine and of course have a lot of laughs...MEMORIES!

On Thursday Brenden had to go back to see Dr. First the orthopedic surgeon and they took a couple of x-rays, had him hop around on his foot and said he was released back to PE and all other normal activities except "for silly stuff like riding an ATV".  In my mind I am thinking ya, ok.....I know Brenden will be back on his dirt bike this weekend as it has been about 6 weeks since he fractured his growth plate in his foot.'s Friday!  I worked till 11:00 am this morning and rushed off to pick up Brittany from her house as we had a 12:00 pm appointment to meet her pediatrician, Dr. Kalia.   Dr. Kalia is Brenden's pediatrician and I love her!  Dr. Kalia was so sweet, she talked to Brittany about breast feeding and told her to not put a lot of thought into it as that will only shut her body down and her milk supply.  I hope the breast feeding goes well for Brittany as I understand that it can sometimes be frustrating.

After the appointment Brittany & I had lunch at Olive Garden and it was delicious.  Now we are off to find an outfit for Jace to come home in.  We went to Macy's and nothing!  We decide to go to Babies R Us one more time as we have both been there a thousand times during Brittany's pregnancy and haven't seen anything we like.  We look around and finally we find that special outfit.  I can't wait for Jace to be born and to see him in this outfit coming home.   

On Saturday I am up early as Mom & I are meeting Lisa, Cindy & Tami at Cindy's house for breakfast.....or at least that is what we thought as Lisa told Mom & I earlier in the week to be at Cindy's at 7:30 am to have breakfast casserole.  Mom & I get there breakfast casserole.  Lisa claims she was drunk when she told us there would be breakfast casserole but, I am pretty sure that, that wasn't the case.

Now we are off to the Houston Zoo for the Epilepsy Stroll that Lisa's work Cyberonics participates in every year.  We met Casey and Neill there and enjoyed the cool breeze strolling through the zoo.  After we got back Mom & I met at Jimmy Changa's for lunch and then I went home so I could get my light fixtures hung in my bathroom.  YAY!  The light fixutres are hung and the bathroom is so close to being finished.  Now, just waiting on a couple of people to come and give me an estimate on replacing my tile floor and to get the shower door in.  I can't wait to have everything done and to quit sharing a bathroom with Brenden.

Brittany & John are bored so they came to visit.... We sat outside, chatted and John & I drank a couple of beers then we met Mom @ Guidry's for dinner.  We don't particularly like that place but, that was John's choice as he wanted some gumbo and we don't really care where we eat.  It was a nice evening with a little breeze and I am just glad to be able to spend time with some of my favorite people!

Brittany only has about 3 1/2 - 4 more weeks and Jace will be here....We all can't wait, especially Brittany.  Her belly is growing and she is getting more and more uncomfortable.  All of the clothes are washed, his room is in order and now we are waiting.....


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